

           In today’s fast-paced world, the art of meaningful connection feels like a rare gem, buried beneath the constant flow of notifications, tasks, and the pressure to always be "on." We interact with people every day, but often, these interactions feel rushed, shallow, and devoid of the emotional depth that truly binds us together. This change in how we connect is something I’ve struggled with personally, and Gabriel Okara’s poem                       "Once Upon a Time"  deeply resonates with me in this regard.        In the poem, the speaker reflects on a time when people were genuine, when smiles came from the heart, and when every handshake carried warmth and sincerity. Okara describes a world where emotional honesty has given way to hollow pleasantries, where people wear smiles like masks and go through life with rehearsed gestures. As I look around at my own experiences, I can’t help but feel the same way. In my own life, I've noticed how easy it is


The love of grandparents is truly special—different from any other. It’s softer, wiser, and rooted in years of experience. The Bible captures this bond perfectly in Proverbs 17:6: “Children’s children are a crown to the aged.”  This verse highlights the pride and joy grandparents feel for their grandchildren, and the lasting love that passes down through generations. Growing up in a close-knit village, I was surrounded by family, and the love of my grandparents was a constant presence. Our village was small, with a single road and a church, where everyone was connected. The elders in our community, including my grandparents, treated every child with care and affection. My grandparents always made me feel special, as if I were their favorite grandchild. They had a way of giving love through simple, everyday actions—whether it was my grandmother preparing our favorite meals or my grandfather quietly listening to our stories. Their love wasn’t loud, but it was always there, li

